The COVID summer will be etched forever into my heart as the summer I spent crisscrossing thousands of miles through the interior of America to spend time with my mother who battled cancer and succumbed on Thursday, July 30. Here are a few pictures on the road complete with bug splats and reflections. I never claimed to be a professional photographer. I just like searching for the light. I will be taking some time off from the blog. I’ll be working on novel three and going back to teach at school later this week. Thanks for understanding.
A seemingly silly, violent sport is still a popular genre. Why? It ties into why people are attracted to the stories of war. Ordinary people find within themselves the motivation to rise to the surface to victory. That grit and tenacity are virtues, in my book. To live actively with a purpose is a life worth living. That’s why I’m a sucker for a hero story. It’s the most basic narrative since the classical era. I believe hero-worshipping is an intrinsic part of human DNA.
Windows、Mac、Android、iOS、Linux和网关路由器全 ...:2021-3-30 · 教程时使用的环境为 Armbian 和 ARMv8 。由于Clash在Linux下并没有GUI。所伃我伀直接使用Clash Core,首先到Github下载Clash Core(Clash作者已经提供了各个平台的预编译文伀),选择自己对应的平台下载就行。这里我使用的是 clash-linux-armv8。
That was easy. What makes, then, a better boxing movie than another? The human backstory? The quirky characters and heartfelt comedy? The wisdom of the mentor? The star power of the boxer? The musical score? The director’s choice of filming the fight itself? Do you like your boxing matches where you feel every punch and smell the sweat?
2021最新V2Ray客户端下载 支持V2Ray协议 Windows ...:2021-6-9 · Windows系统建议使用V2rayN,界面简洁大气且支持Vmess和Shadowsocks。本站提供的V2rayN即官网的,不需要单独下载V2ray-Core。(更新:最新版v2rayN已修复v2ray漏洞,建议使用)V2ray安卓客户端:
My phone keeps reminding me of what I was doing a year, two, three years ago on this day. No international trip this year. But I can always reminisce! What I loved about the 2017 trip to Spain were the textures, shapes, and patterns. Here are a few. Which shot do you like best?